Now most peoples pay fro sending fax.IF u have internet connection there have more ways to send fax online.No need to fax machine.Check this 5 way s to send fax via web.
1.Tpc - Tpc is the easiest way to send fax.Go to this link and you
can type the fax on there.
2. Pamfax - Pamfax is simple way to send fax,its fully integrated
with skype.
3. Popfax -Popfax is a fax service that offers a free fax online trial.
4.Faxzero -Faxzero is also free fax service via IP,you can send PDF
file and word document.This worksUSA and Canada only.
5. Scanr - scanr is an intriguing service it turn your camera into a
scanner,copy machine and fax machine. So,
check how it works .
Try this..
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